
Green or Black: Understanding Chinese Tea

2016-11-17 清华大学国际学生学者中心
11月10日下午,在法学院明理楼210室,国际学生学者中心为在校外籍学者举办了一场别开生面的中国文化讲座:“在红茶与绿茶之间,读懂中国茶”,该讲座是国际学生学者中心主创的“梦-中国”中华文化浸润讲座中的一讲。主讲人桑国亚老师(John William Smagula)是清华-天普法学硕士项目的美方主任,美国天普大学副教授,也是中国和美国的注册茶艺师,浸润中国茶道文化多年。活动中,桑国亚老师带领国际学者们通过观形、察色、赏姿、闻香、尝味等方式,了解了中国白茶、绿茶、乌龙茶、红茶、黑茶的基本知识。桑国亚老师采用西方人的视角,借鉴法国人对葡萄的分类类比茶叶分类,还将中国茶与西方的咖啡、红酒、日本抹茶作了对比,使参与活动的外籍学者们能够更容易理解。
On a lovely afternoon of November 10th, a remarkable Chinese culture lecture called ”Green or Black: Understanding Chinese Tea” was held in the  School of Law. It was part of the series of lectures in "Dream---China” Experience China program, which is presented by the International Students and Scholars Center, Tsinghua University. The talk was given by Prof. Smagula, who is the Director of Tsinghua -Temple LLM program, Associate Professor of Temple University. As a foreigner who digs into Chinese teaism over the years, he has successfully registered as a Tea Specialist in China and also  in the USA.
Without reservation, Prof. Smagula shared his professional knowledge of tea drinking customs, including the steps of tea brewing and the different classifications of Chinese tea. Through the lecture, all the participants had learnt to enjoy the shape, the color, the fragrance, the taste, and aftertaste of different kinds of Chinese tea, including White, Green, Oolong, Black and Dark tea.
From a Western perspective, Prof. Smagula made an analogy between the classifications of French grape with the classification of Chinese tea. He also compared Chinese tea with coffee, red wine, and Japanese Matcha, to make it easier for the foreign scholars to understand the character of Chinese tea.
共有来自英国、意大利、罗马尼亚、约旦等九个国家的十余名国际学者及家属参加了本次活动,法学院副院长崔国斌老师也到场与学者们了分享了饮茶的心得。学者们还热烈交流了他们观察到的北京人的饮茶习惯,以及如何在北京购买茶叶。About a dozen scholars and their family members from nine countries, including UK, Italy, Romania, Jordan and so on, attended the event. Prof. CUI Guobin, Deputy Dean of the School of Law also came and shared his Chinese tea drinking experience with the scholars. During the event, the participants discussed tea drinking habits of Beijing natives according to their observation from their time in China, and also the ways of tea-buying in Beijing.

As China internationalizes at a rapid pace, international exchanges and cooperation between the China and the world are constantly increasing. In order to facilitate foreign scholars visiting China to get a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and integrate into the Chinese way of life, Tsinghua International Students and Scholars Center is putting great amounts of efforts in launching a series of "Dream---China” Experience China event, based on the goal of “Deliver the great stories about China, Spread the voice of China”. Through lectures, firsthand experience and on-site visits, via languages, etiquette, traditional opera, costume culture, crafts, cuisine, architecture and other aspects, the International Students and Scholars Center endeavors to reveal the spirit of Chinese traditional culture for the foreign scholars. And of course, we are pleased to lead them to discover a China  rich in  historical culture, and to appreciate the beauty of China's intangible cultural heritage.

本次茶道讲座是本学期“梦-中国”文化浸润讲座的的第一讲,在未来两个月中,该系列还将陆续举办中国书法、绘画、篆刻等内容的讲座。This Chinese Tea lecture was the first event of the "Dream---China” Experience China series presented by the International Students and Scholars Center. The Center plans to arrange many more events about China, such as calligraphy, painting, carving etc., in the next two months.

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